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what we do

our particular speciality. let us help you with purchases, refinances, etc.

yes. we represent bands, musicians, and performers with legal assistance. click here for more deets...

if you or a loved one
have ever been diagnosed with mesothelioma, we offer our Condolences. Please contact us for a no Cost Consultation.


heres the skinny. in an increasingly chaotic world, it can be difficult to find personalized legal advice from a trustworthy, reliable, and genuine source focused on providing high caliber assistance to those that need it most. we want to be the legal jedi you seek.

our goal is to provide quality service in a relaxed atmosphere where the customer, and their needs, come first while building quality relationships between them and other real estate professionals.

our hope is to not only provide quality legal services, but we also work and strive to find and provide affordable housing for all our charlotte neighbors. see what we do at

vision possible to learn more about our community initiatives. 


Contact us

Our aDDress

110 matthews Station Street Suite 1e, matthews nC, 28105

tel:  1-704-360-5175


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if you experience difficulty or have questions with the form, please click here for assistance

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